Tuesday, November 16, 2010

The Hijab...(Arabic Head Scarf)...Am I...haram?

     One thing that is always on my mind here in Jordan is the hijab. It is one of the first things I noticed upon arrival, as I am sure is the case with all western foreigners who travel to the middle east. Everywhere you look, women are wearing them. Yes, it's true you may find some women without them in the larger cities, but I live in a village and so this is not the case. At first they were shocking to me...so much material, with the head covered and only the face revealed. It was very strange to me and took some tim to adjust to.
     I am a person who loves to wear hats. So, when I first visited the Middle East back in 1997, I wore all my different hats; baseball caps, straw hats, beanie caps, fancy women's hats, men's hats, you name it I had it from all decades of the fashion eras!! I thought wearing these was appropreiate as my "head" was covered. When I returned in 2010 my style included not only wearing hats, but scarves...I love them, and so I thought I'd fit in perfectly as I could wear a scarf everyday without people thinking I had cancer.
      Up until now, I wear my scarves tied in a variety of ways, but no matter what look I finally come up with I am told I wear my scarf like an old woman or a Bedouin (indiginous people of the land). I am fine with this, as I am very independent by nature and usually known for my originality.
     However, after living in the village for a little over a year, I have come to become a bit self-conscious. I noticed I don't cover up as much as the other women. I usually cover my neckline with a cute necklace, as I love jewlery as well...however, I was just recently informed this does not fly with the rules of Islam. Apparently, the look is not for fashion, as I had worn it, but to cover all areas that might appear "sexy" to a man. So, I guess the neck, ears, chest and hair are all too sexy for a man to see. Go figure.
     This has really got me confused. Everytime I get ready to go out in the village, I try to find a new style and way to wrap my hijab. However, each time I end up with bangs and curls hanging out of the scarf. I have a high forhead and just don't feel I look my best with my face sticking out and material wrapped around my head. And so, try as I might to tuck it in, I always leave with my bangs pulled off to the front side a bit.
     I was raised in America, and have the thinking that it is important to feel good about yourself, as this gives you confidence which leads to happiness and success. I have a group of friends back home and we all call each other "Goddess"'..meaning celebrating and acknowledging being the beautiful woman that you are, and expressing yourself as a woman. However here, it seems that if you are to express yourself as a woman, then it is haram. (Bad, and you will not enter heaven.)
     Although I have been questioning all of this, I have chosen to be confident and wear my hijab the way I feel comfortable with. But I had a rather enlightening experience last night as I sat around for hours with four of my favorite female relatives. They were talking about how women who wear their hair up high on the back of their head, yet still fully cover everything required are actually "haram." I asked why and they said because you are showing the man that you have beautiful hair (although it is completely covered!!) and that if you do this the Qur'an says you will not eneter the kingdom of heaven. I asked if they all believed this to be true, as I laughed at how ridiculous this sounded, but they all nodded and agreed. WOW!!
     I guess it is a sin to appear attractive. I wanted to enquire further. "What about wearing make-up, and dressing in  fashionable clothing, isn't that haram as well, with this philosphy?" However, I remained silent, as I knew that this conversation would not end well, as clearly, I am haram!
     So, here I am in Jordan. I assume all the people, including my family, feel I am not going to heaven, because I have bangs and wear necklaces...crazy!!


  1. Atheena, welcome to blogging! It is great therapy.

    I have run the gamut of this dilemma myself.

    One day, even with hair covered, sleeves to hands, skirt to ankle, eyes to ground, I STILL got propositioned and neighbors thought me a temptation to their husbands...just by existing...

    I gave up. I realized I was pure before God, my hijab was one of the heart, and I was sending no one to hell by (including myself) by looking presentable. I started to wear loose trousers, took off the scarf, wore make-up and even (gasp) highlighted my hair; and never looked back. I love Jordan more as a result.

    Your situation in a village is different, but I want to encourage you to be yourself as much as possible without getting in trouble. Unity is not uniformity. :)

  2. Hi Kinzi!!
    How are you!! I corresponded with you a little when I first arrived in Jordan, then moved and lost my internet service for half a year. I am glad to hear from you again. Thanks for the comment.
    Yes, I agree...will write a follow up blog once I talk with my nieces about this, and kindly inform them that after doing research, they are also "haram" because of the make-up and tight jeans they wear. I hope this will help them to not point the fingers at others, as it is the character and actions of a person that matter really. I don't think that many of the women here have been encouraged to celebrate their woman-hood, of which I intend to do. :)

  3. Atheena, I am glad you have internet, it makes a HUGE quality of life difference to have contact with fam and friends.

    Yes, selective 'haram-ing' is a problem. I am of the persuasion that tightly covered butts and boobs are sexier than revealed hair. You might want to celebrate womanhood with them in degrees that they are able to handle...but I agree, it is worth celebrating. Blessings to you all!

    1. I do agree with you and you mentioned very important points as well. I think there are some certain rules of hijab to be followed and many modern hijab can be seen through net which helps us a lot to get the right way of wearing hijab.
